Video Links
Brief YouTube videos on Alzhiemer's Disease.
- What is Alzheimer's Disease?
(3:14 min) - A clear and concise visual explanation of this disease.
- Alzheimer's: An Urgent Epidemic
(2:26 min) - An explaination of why this matter needs our attention today.
- Alzheimer's: A Race to the Cure
(2:09 min) - Why does research cost so much and take so long?
- Alzheimer's: A Message to the Newly Diagnosed
(1:44 min) - Understand what resources are available to you.
- Dreams TV Spot 1
(0:33 min) - A TV spot showing how this disease can affect anyone.
- Dreams TV Spot 2
(0:35 min) - A TV spot showing how this disease can affect anyone.
- Celebrity Champions
(2:51 min) - Celebrities using their voice to raise awareness.
- Celebrity Champions - Behind the Scenes
(2:26 min) - Celebrities explain how they have been personally affected by Alzheimer's.
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